
Monday, March 5, 2012

A whole awful lot

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." This quote was at the end of Dr. Suess's the Lorax movie and I'm sure its in the book as well, but it makes an incredible point. Who are we to sit around waiting for something to happen? No one is going to make things happen unless they care about that thing, and when that finally does get ready for some change! This can be applied to your relationship with God as well as our daily life as Christians.

It is because so many people walk around saying they are Christians and then don't do anything about it, or worse start acting just like the world, that we have such a bad reputation. What if every person who said they cared about God really acted like it? What if everyone acted on that love acted on that care stood up and started telling the world about God's love? Even if only one person stood up and decided that they cared enough to try and change something then they would make such an impact on the people around them. What an inspiration it would be to see someone do that? I personally have had people come up to me and start talking about God and I get so excited every time they do, because I know there is someone else out there who cares like I do.

How much do you care about your relationship with God? Are you willing to put everything on the line and do something for him? Are you willing to stand out and be bold for Christ? You should be, Christ died for us, he gave up everything so that we could be with him for eternity so why aren't you out there telling everyone the good news? Go out and be bold for Christ. He cared "A whole awful lot" for you and it changed the world once, why don't we do the same?

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