
Saturday, August 11, 2012

God's Gravity

I just recently finished my last class towards my associates degree, the class was a Geology course. This class was mostly about space since my teacher use to work for NASA and much of the information in the class was interesting. We learned about the Universe, how it worked, and theories on how it was created. All of these things were fresh in my mind as I attended a conference my church held this week. During this conference we sang a song about how God should be the center of everything and suddenly while singing those lyrics something clicked into place.

The solar system is made up of planets that revolve around the sun. They do this because they are held in and caught by the sun’s gravity. People are the same way. We, even when we don’t know it, revolve around God. We were drawn in by the gravity of God’s great Son Jesus Christ and the hope of salvation that He brings to us. And from there we revolve around Him caught in His hold of love, mercy, and grace. 

The awesomeness of it doesn’t stop with simply revolving around Him. In the future our Sun will expand and eventually engulf many of the inner planets. It is the same with God, He wants to expand in our lives and engulf us completely so that we can be as close to Him as possible. And so that we can grow in Him as Christians. The bible says that we were originally created in God’s own image and in our walk with Christ we are suppose to become more like Him.

Now let me point out that the planets and sun aren’t the only things floating around our galaxy, there are also comets and asteroids shooting through the stars. And sometimes these comets shoot themselves right into the sun. They are like the people who crave God so much that they don’t simply wait around for the end to come, they jump right into His glory in order to get as close to Him as they can as fast as possible.

People who are like comets are the ones who go out and do things for Christ to expand His kingdom. They are on fire for God and are always trying to grow closer to Him. I always want to be like a comet shooting through space shortening the distance between God and I as fast as possible. But there are some people who want to be like Mercury and Venus and revolve around God but not do anything for Him. These people are the ones who go to church every Sunday and say prayers before dinner but never actually do anything to further God’s kingdom. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that its bad to sit in church and enjoy God’s presence, that’s wonderful but what do you do with what you’ve taken from that service?

God hates people who are lukewarm like this. The bible says in Revelation 3:15-16, “15 I know your [record of] works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!” Whew that is harsh, but true. God hates and detests those who are simply lukewarm. He would much rather your be on fire for him or cold towards Him. Think of it this way, when in a relationship you want the person you care for to be straight with you about how they feel right? You’d rather know if they are in love with you or just stone cold hate you. You’d hate to see them lukewarm towards you because you would have no idea what they are thinking. It’s the same with God, he wants to know where you stand with Him and He will have none of your, “Well I like God today but maybe not tomorrow depending on how I feel” nonsense.

Romans 8:29 (in the amplified) tells us “For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was [a]aware and [b]loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.” Here the bible says that we were made to be molded in the image of Jesus. When comets fly into the sun they are becoming like the sun and part of it, they are being consumed by its awesome power and become one with it. Why wouldn’t we want to be consumed by God’s power and become not only a part of His family but more like Him in the process? This is the path I choose, to be on fire for God and seek after Him.
Here’s my question to you, do you want to be lazy like Mercury and just float in space doing nothing until the end comes or will you fly like a comet into the Son’s welcome embrace and become more like Him and do His work? Will you be lukewarm in your walk with God and eventually thrown away from Him or will you work towards Him with everything you do? Do something different this week to get closer to God and see what happens I dare you.

More Bible Verses relating to this topic:
Genesis 1:27
James 3:9
Amos 5:26
1 John 2:6
3 John 1:11
Hebrews 6:12
Philippians 1:6