
Sunday, March 4, 2012

All I Need

So lately God's been talking to me about a lot of things. What I want to tell you all about today is something He's really been pressing on my heart. Boys. Specifically my desire to have a boyfriend.

Now I know what you're all thinking. Oh no here she goes talking about how a guy should treat you right or what to look for in a guy, or even what not to do with a guy. All these things are important in their own way but that's not what I'm here to talk to you all about today. Its something a little different. So let me tell you my story and you interpret  it how you will k?

I've always had a desire for a boyfriend and to be in love. I look around at all the happy couples and say God why can't I  have that? For a while God took away that craving for a boyfriend and let me focus only on Him, but lately I've had that desire stirring up in me again and I've found myself asking God over and over to let me meet my "man" as I call him. I've been asking God to let me meet and fall in love with the guy that I'm suppose to spend the rest of my life with. But so far he hasn't shown me that guy.

Recently I helped run the screens at a Women's conference at my church and one of the ladies speaking talked about her need to have a man in her life. While her story didn't duplicate mine (she's been through far more than me) some things she said rang true to me. And I found myself at prayer last Monday asking God to be the man in my life. To show me He was all I needed. And you know what? He did!! That very night God wrapped me in his arms and told me that I was His. That He was all I needed. I knew in my spirit and soul that He truly was all I needed. I've been falling more and more in love with God over the past several months and all that love came flooding into me Monday night. God told me he was always going to be by my side. That He would hold my hand, that He would be there when no one else could. That He was the Man in my life. I felt so reassured and so elated at this realization. Because at that moment all the desire for a boyfriend left me, because I had one in God. God was and will always be my closest friend. The bible says that we are the Bride of Christ and I know in all my heart that, that statement means so much more than what it seems to. It means that God will be with us when even a husband or wife can't. He will be there to carry us through anything. God will hold us, dance with us, and comfort us through anything because He loves us that much!

To me that is the most amazing and beautiful thing that's happened in a long time. So, my question to you is how in love with God are you? Are you letting him be your all in all? Will you dance with Him? And will you let him be your ultimate relationship? Because let me tell you, a relationship with God is one that will never ever fail you. He is the only person who will never leave your or forsake you because He loves you that much. He created you in  His image and He died on the cross for our sins so that we could be with Him forever. Do you think that a God who's done all that wouldn't want to be your boyfriend? Think again, God wants to be your everything. Now I'm not saying that you won't have a boyfriend/girlfriend (for you guys :) ) or that you won't get married. What I am saying is that with or without a boyfriend, with or without a spouse God will always be there, and He always wants to get closer to you. He wants you to love Him as much as He loves you.

I know in my heart that God has a guy just waiting for me, and when the time is right I'll meet him and fall in love with him, but for now (and even after) I'm going to focus on loving God more and more. And I'm going to treasure the fact that He will always be with me no matter what because He is all I need.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... That was so inspirational sweetie! :D I am so blessed to hear what He is doing in your life. :)
